Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daily 2 - Week 2

Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why?

I believe that artifacts of the humanities are a better roadmap of history for many reasons. To begin, the artifacts of the humanities can actually show and tell you stories, to this day. We still have these artifacts and we can still use most of them in everyday life. We don't necessarily know everything about these artifacts or why they came about, but at least they show all the aspects of history, not just war or conflict. They show how people interacted besides fighting, they show daily life of people, and they show how people spent their time and the bonding they had together. Also, by having artifacts it shows how much we're grown and developed with technology, building, family, friends, politics, countries, and everyday life. I believe that war just shows the problems we had, and yes, we can learn from those mistakes, but I think we also need to know EVERYTHING we've gone through to get to those problems. So, when we look back into history, we can remember not only the bad things but also the good, and how we can improve. Art teaches people how to express themselves, music teaches people how to relax and entertain, dancing allows people to bond together, theater allows the imagination to grow, literature enhances thoughts and words, philosophy is used in almost every single school known to man, and architecture gives us a variety of buildings and monuments, but also shows us the different stages of life. That is why I believe artifacts of the humanities are a better roadmap of history.

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