Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily: Does history progress? Is an elephant really "better" than a mammoth?

In my opinion, history does progress in some ways. Between elephants and mammoths, history progressed in unique ways. Some people believe that elephants are better than a mammoth, and that is true, but only in some parts. There are certain parts of the mammoth that improved when they evolved into elephants. Elephants have longer trunks. Also, elephants don't have the hair that mammoths had. Elephants are also still alive, when mammoths are extinct. In many cases, the tusks of an elephant are also bigger than a mammoth's. An elephant's blood is cooler than a mammoth's, too. As you can see history can progress in many ways for different reasons, but just because history progresses doesn't mean that it changes everything. In Linear history, it shows all of history's event, practically like cause and effect. With Cyclic history, they believe that everything happens in a cycle, but history can progress in a cycle. In Hegelian history, it shows how two events cause another event to happen, which makes history progress. Finally, in Vortex history it shows that the littlest event can cause the biggest event in all of history, which is progression. History is able to progress, and in some ways an elephant is better than a mammoth.

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