Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily 1- Week 5

How was the Struggle of the Orders influential on later Roman politics?

     The Struggle of the Orders influenced Roman politics an extraordinary amount. Once the Plebeians finally realized that they needed to do something in order for their word to be heard against the Patricians. The Roman government decided that the Plebeians would select one person to speak for their group, and that one person had the right to either accept Patrician laws or veto them. When this happened, the Patricians finally didn't have complete control over Roman politics. Also, the less wealthy of the Roman world- the Plebeians, were finally able to accept laws and deny laws that they thought were fair or unfair to their own people. The Plebeians opinion was now just as important, or more important, than the Patricians. 


  1. This blog taught me a lot about the Stuggle of orders. I like how you gave detail and explained it. Heres a great link about this:

  2. good information, you could have had more from:

  3. Good Job Pb & Kelly ;D

    you could add more information from

    good job though :)
