Friday, March 11, 2011

Special Question

Please write a five paragraph essay on the question: Was Alexander's adventure really worth it? In your body paragraphs, you must cite specific examples to back up your thesis -- examples must include one from each of the following: Egypt, Persepolis, Afghanistan, India.

    Alexander's main goal was to become a legend and to avenge Persian wrongs. From what history shows and tells us today, Alexander's adventure was 100% worth it. He fulfilled both goals, along with a million other goals that no one could ever dream of doing at the age, place, and time Alexander was at in his life. Between his adventures and accomplishments in Egypt, Persepolis, Afghanistan, and India, Alexander's adventures were truly astonishing. 

     While in Egypt, Alexander helped them a great deal. He built homes, work centers, towns, and most importantly libraries. This was a huge impact on the Egyptian world, and they loved Alexander for what he did for them. Even though this seems like a waste of money and time, Alexander was slowly building up an ally so he could take the entire Persian Empire. This was an extremely smart decision of Alexander to make. The time, money, and power spent to make Egypt as big and strong as it was due to Alexander, was completely worth it. The Egyptians helped him take the Persian Empire, not only because Alexander did all of those things for him, but also because they had a deep hatred for Persia also. For Alexander to pick Egypt to spend time, money, and power on was an extremely smart decision.

     Once Alexander reached Persepolis, he destroyed and killed everything and everyone he saw. Nothing was going to stop him and his army. His goal was to make it to the Persian Empire and that was exactly what he was going to do. By destroying Persepolis, it showed how daring and powerful Alexander was. Persepolis was the wealthiest city in the world at that time. For Alexander to destroy this entire city and kill everyone in it was extremely brave, and it showed the Persian Empire that he didn't care what he had to do to get to Persia, he was going to do it. This adventure was worth it because it showed everyone that he didn't care what he had to do to avenge Persian wrongs, he was just going to do it.

     Afghanistan was also one of the many places Alexander won in battle. This battle took 3 years, but in the end Alexander gained Afghanistan and joined it to his growing empire. Even after Alexander's death, Afghanistan was never regained by its original people. This conquest was also extremely worth it. Slowly, Alexander was making his empire bigger and bigger before he had a chance to take over the entire Persian empire. This was an unbelievably smart decision because by the time he would take over the Persian Empire, he would already have the biggest empire in the history of the world. Even though Afghanistan didn't seem like that big of an accomplishment, it truly helped Alexander prove himself in the end.

     India was one of Alexander's final, yet still astonishing, accomplishments. Once Alexander had found India, he decided he automatically wanted to go into battle. He wanted India, and there was nothing stopping him. Even though Alexander's army faced elephants, he still won and added India into his huge empire. India was a definitely worth it. By adding India into his empire, he gained an extra ordinary amount of land. Also, he gained many friends and allies, including the leaders he had defeated, which helped him to keep on conquering and to become stronger and stronger as he went on.

     As you can see, every single one of Alexander's adventures was worth it. Everything he did for this new claimed lands, and everything he gained helped him out in the long run. Every battle and every injury made him stronger as he went on. Alexander the Great's adventures made him famous, still to this day, and helped him fulfill his and his father's dream of avenging Persian wrongs.

1 comment:

  1. This: "Between his adventures and accomplishments in Egypt, Persepolis, Afghanistan, and India, Alexander's adventures were truly astonishing." really isn't a thesis statement. A thesis statement has to present an argument that can be debated. No one would debate the fact that Alexander's accomplishments were astonishing. A better argument might be centered on how he was successful or why world conquest is or is not worth pursuing. Further, this essay lacks citations to support your examples.
